samedi 12 janvier 2008

Carte angélique 2 - Angel card 2

This card as a lot of sparkles on it! (click on the picture to see it bigger) I like those littles angels :) Thanks for your visit and all the comments you are leaving me! :) It's always so much fun to read!

Cette carte a pas mal de "brillant" dessus. (Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en plus gros). J'aime vraiment ces estampes d'anges :) Merci de venir me visiter et merci aussi pour vos commentaires! :) C'est toujours inspirant et intéressant de vous lire!

4 commentaires:

K Hutchinson a dit...

awww this is so darn cute! I love the color combo and the LO! The music note back on the side is so cool!

Happy Fri-cake day!

Anonyme a dit...

Very cute card too !!
by the way, i've tagged you !! not because i had to tag someone, BUT bcos i'd like to read more about you !!

cette carte est trop mimi !!
Au fait, je t'ai taggue' ! et pas parce que je dois tagguer qlq'un mais parce que j'aimerais mieux te connaitre !

Risa a dit...

I love your angel card Pesc!
I also enjoyed reading your tag...I really enjoy readings tags but I hate to write them because my mind always goes blank when I have to tell 7 things about myself. *smile*

Myrnabs a dit...

This is one gorgeous card!! I really love it!!